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Meet Stacey

Meet Stacey


Welcome to the first instalment of our ‘meet the team’ series where you’ll get to know the people behind the brand. Today we’re introducing Stacey - our co-founder and designer.

Tell us a bit about your background and how you came to create Sunday Made?

I studied Industrial Design at Massey University in Wellington and have worked as a design engineer for six years at a joinery company. Since leaving school I’ve always been creating stuff on the side, and after moving into a new home in 2016 this hobby expanded as I started designing furniture for my own space. Hannah and I met through mutual friends after university, and after working together on a few different projects we soon realised that creating Sunday Made would be a legitimate way for us to turn our skills and interests into a career.


Where do you get your design inspiration?

I'm always inspired by the places I travel to and the people I meet along the way. It's so refreshing to head somewhere new and soak in everything that place has to offer. In saying that, I am constantly inspired by my everyday. A lot of my close friends have really unique style and I love sourcing inspiration from, and bouncing ideas off them. 


What is your favourite product from the Sunday Made collection?

My favourite is the Westport outdoor table. I initially designed this item for my own outdoor entertaining area. It’s more than just a piece of furniture for me - it’s something that I can share with the people I love. I enjoy having my friends and family sitting around the table, and thinking “I made this”.

What is your favourite part of your home?

That would have to be my latest DIY project - I up-cycled an old old lawyer's cabinet that I spotted on Trademe. It now proudly sits in our living / dining space and holds all of my favourite entertaining items.  


What can we expect next from Sunday Made?

Keep your eye out in early 2019 for an extended mirror collection. We’re excited to show everyone what we’ve been working on!